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D11 Intramural Permission Slip

D11 Emergency Information Card

D11 Physical and Participation Form.pdf

Hybrid Cross Country (XC)

August 14-October 4

Coed Wrestling

September 17-November 16

Boys District Golf Team

August 26-October 3, all practices will be at Patty Jewett Golf Course.

Middle School Track (Boys & Girls)

March 10-May 10

Middle School Football Season

August 1- October 4

Mann is partnering with North and Galileo to form a team for the 2024-2025 Season.

Registration will be through Park and Rec. If you have questions, contact

Mann Lancers Athletics

Middle School Sports Start Dates (Tentative)

2024-2025 Interscholastic Sports 

Football: August 1-October 4 (Partnership with Park and Rec)

XC (Cross Country):  August 14-October 4

Girls Volleyball: August 19-October 12

Wrestling: September 17-November 16

Girls Basketball: October 21-December 21

Boys Basketball: January 7-March 1

Boys and Girls Track: March 10-May 10

2024-2025 Hybrid Sports

Boys Golf: August 26-October 3

Girls Volleyball August 26-September 21

Girls Golf: March 17-May 2

Boys Volleyball: March 4-April 11

Girls Soccer: March 4-April 11

Boys Soccer: April 14-May 16

(Hybrid Sports are a cross between an Intramural and Interscholastic. Games, meets and matches may be off site where transportation is required. 

Athletic Fees

District 11 works hard to maintain affordable athletic fees to maximize student participation.   Middle school interscholastic athletic fees have been set as follows:

  • Full Fee - $25.00
  • Reduced Lunch Fee - $17.00
  • Free Lunch Fee - $9.00
  • Non District Athlete Fee - $75.00
  • Football Fee - $93 - Paid to Colorado Springs Parks & Rec
  • Golf-$50
  • Softball & Soccer - Please contact the coach for more specifics about fees and associated costs.

Required Paperwork

All paperwork must be turned into the front office before the  first day of practice or tryouts.  Students may not practice or compete until all required paperwork is turned in.  Blank forms may be picked up from the front office or can be printed using the included documents.

The following paperwork is required for interscholastic sports (football, track & field, wrestling, basketball, volleyball):

  • D11 Physical and Participation Form - A new sports physical is required every 365 days.  Even if you filled out this form during the 2024-2025 school year, you must fill out another form prior to playing a sport during the 2024-2025 school year.
  • D11 Emergency Information Card - A new emergency information card ("blue card") must be filled out for each sport you play during the 2024-2025 school year.

The following paperwork is required for intramural sports (golf, soccer & softball):

  • D11 intramural Participation Form - A new form must be filled out for each intramural sport.

*Eligibility is considered for academics, attendance, and behavior.

Academic Eligibility:

1) Student-athletes are expected and required to maintain passing grades for all of their classes.  Student-athletes should complete and submit all assignments on time.   They should also check their grades through PowerSchool on a frequent basis.

2) If student-athletes have any questions about their grades or how to improve them, they should speak to that teacher directly.  The preferred times to speak to a teacher are during lunch, before school, or after school.  There may be occasional instances when it is appropriate to address these concerns before class, during class, or after class.  Student-athletes may also email teachers with their questions.  

3) Student-athlete grades will be checked by 12:00 pm (noon) every Thursday. Any class that has an F  or 2 D's needs to be improved by Mondays at 4pm. 

4) When the eligibility report is pulled, student-athletes may not have any failing grades.  If a student-athlete has any failing grades when the eligibility report is pulled, that individual will be ineligible for all contests the week (Monday - Saturday).  The individual may not play in any contests for one full week, even if that student-athlete raises their grade during that time.

5) If the reason a student was ineligible was due to a teacher's mistake (for example, a score was incorrectly entered or the student was absent and received a zero before being given an opportunity to complete the assignment), they should ask their teacher to email the athletic director.

6) Repeated issues with academic eligibility may result in the coach removing that student-athlete from the team.

Attendance Eligibility:

1) Student-athletes are expected and required to attend school whenever it is possible for that student to attend.  If a student-athlete will be absent, they should email their coach.

2) Student-athletes that are absent from school on a given day may not participate in athletics on that given day.

3) Repeated issues with attendance eligibility may result in the coach or building administration removing that student-athlete from the team.

Behavior Eligibility:

1) Student-athletes are also expected and required to behave appropriately.  These expectations extend to both District 11 and non-District 11 properties, both during school hours and outside of school hours.

2) Student-athletes that are suspended on a given day may not participate in athletics on that given day.

3) Repeated or severe issues with behavior eligibility may result in the coach or building administration removing that student-athlete from the team.

Administrative Staff

Matt DobbinsAthletic Director/Asst Principal

Jessie ShieldsBusiness/Athletic Secretary

Student-Athlete Expectations

Student-athletes are expected to represent themselves and the school in a positive manner at all times.  Students must meet certain academic, behavior, and attendance expectations in order to compete and remain on the team.  Please view the "Eligibility" tab on our athletics page to understand our specific expectations.

Spectator Expectations

Spectators are expected to be both respectful and positive towards athletes, officials, game workers, and other spectators.  Spectators that do not meet these expectations will need to leave, and in repeated or severe instances, may be excluded from all future District 11 events and District 11 property.  PLEASE KNOW THAT NO SPECTATORS ARE ALLOWED AT PRACTICE.

Equipment & Uniforms

Mann Middle School receives a very limited athletic budget, so it is important that we take care of all school-issued equipment and uniforms.  Students that do not return equipment and uniforms in good condition will be charged the full replacement cost.

Playing Time

District 11 Middle School Athletics supports "competition and inclusion", meaning that all student-athletes (who are eligible) will receive playing time, but that the playing time will not be equal.  There are also certain playing time rules for each sport that coaches must follow.  If you have questions or concerns about playing time, please speak to the coach 24 hours after the conclusion of the contest.


Transportation will be extremely limited this year.  Parents will be expected to provide their own transportation for their student-athletes.


Our head coaches will be allowed no more than one volunteer coach per sport.  For some sports, no volunteer coaches will be allowed.  If you are interested in becoming a volunteer coach, please begin by filling out a volunteer application with Ms. Shields in the front office. 

More Information

You can find additional information regarding District 11 Athletics at